Here again. Doing great in life. Moving forward in life. Ive earned respect. At least alittle. At least i thought i have. Then my own father is a saftey risk. Neglecting a powerful controlled substance. Neglecting the importance, the severity, the resonsibility of keeping drugs completly out of reach of childeren.
If someone, family or not, has been told that the kids could die if they get ahold of your drugs, and they repeadedly put them down where childeren can reach them, your own baby nephews none the less, wouldnt you feel like hitting them?
Not respecting my opinion because he thinks i am not being succesful "correctly". That i learned to respect. Having to push and defend the views i have learned, even if they are actually right. I have learned to respect that. Not being able to depend on parents for anything except monatary value. I have learned to respect. Him and his dad where powerline men in the union. So my dad has that concept, "Nothing is good enough less i am making 50+k a year." Sure he's right. And i want that too. A family, kids, wife, life. I need to do that in my own time. I just got this job. Doesnt that deserve respect?
I learned to like working in general. I learned to ignore being disrespected by the one person who i thought wanted a better son. I am a better person. I am not a good son for i have no guidance.
Arent i a good person? Arent i worth not giving up on? Arent i a human being?