Why did you come to SG? Why are you here now? Where did you come from? Where are you going?
Tell the world here on SG. Then direct yourself. For the student must also ask/answer their own questions.
I want you to know. i am am a wanderer. a drifter of sorts. i do not stay in one place to long. take from me what you will. But except me to be distant. And i am not going to get to emotionally involved. i don't know where your head is at in that regard but i am simply trying to learn. i am not trying to get close. get that or you won't understand where i am coming from. AND STOP TAGGING ME SO MUCH. i am not tyring to help you so that you can find you "soul mate" or whatever, so dude, get off that page. love life, focus on you, fix you up, for that is why i am trying to help you.