as i work out and develop my physical body even further then it's current natural state, i realize somethings. it is good for my over all development, in all areas, mind, body, heart and soul. however, it is bad in a few area too. my body is already ahead of the average person i see, my mind, my heart, and my soul as well. all of these things in balance with each other creates a homeostasis with in my self, a balance if you will. here is my dilemma, as with the rest of my developments pride is ALWAYS an issue. for when i build strength, ESPECIALLY strength in body, i feel prideful, not a good kind of pride, a cocky, arrogant, self centered piece of shit kind of pride. the kind of pride that has ruined my life, time and time again.
i feel much stronger now, so i feel i can control this type of pride, now, i am going to figure out how to make it into a good kind of pride. what is a good kind of pride?