we as people, generally speaking of course, tend to hinder ourselves with fear. fearing the situation to the point that we do not proceed into the situation, even though it could better ourselves tremendously, there is a fear that often times prevents us from doing it. for this reason i am attacking fear, for i am truly unafraid. not because i believe something that most don't or because i have some special insight no, i do not fear simply because it is illogical.
Don't get me wrong. i do not think i am invincible. i do get scared sometimes and yes i do make rash decision because i get afraid sometimes. absolutely. here's the thing, i choose to go further then simply realizing that i am fearful. i say, why am i fearful? why am i not focused on protecting against the danger. most common thing i see is people, myself included, tend to think that , because we are fearing the danger then, we are protecting ourselves against the danger. i find this to be a fallacy. for in the end you have done nothing to actually build a defense for the danger, all we have done is avoid the danger.
I say i am truly unafraid yet i say i am fearful as well, contradiction? no. for i am truly in every sense of the word, unafraid of being afraid. loosing the fear of fear is now allowing me to explore how to better use it, so that it is no longer a stumbling block for most but, a tool to use to achieve higher living, or a better sense of being...