Where would we be with out it? Who would we be with out it? Would we still theorize that we come from apes? Would we still be entailed to believe in unseen forces? Would we still build massive monumental structures, out of the dirt? Would we admire beauty? Would we even be human?
Why when "grown ups" think of imagination they think of children? I find it funny. for everything from thinking you have to go to bathroom to being hungry comes from your imagination. imagination is not necessarily made up or make believe. imagination is a tool to use to make the real happen, with your body from your mind. From belief in the "mind's eye", to belief in angels guiding you or demons or spirits haunting you. none of these things can be real with out us first thinking of the possibilities. same way with scientific principles like, architect, bio engineering, mechanical engineering, military, politics. all of these things had to be in peoples imagination first, in order for it to become a reality, in other words, all things must first be a mentality, before they can be a reality.
Make believe or not a single thought, said out loud in any fashion, can change the current course of actions. why can this be? how did people become so easy to manipulate? i do not wish to manipulate. manipulation is a part of conversation. manipulation leads to persuasion, persuasion leads to control, control leads to responsibility, responsibility leads to a life...