:12 to wake from the dead and dread life instead of previous submissions running through my head all other declarations i'm admitting are simply exhibitions. from exhibit A through Z, i must see the future casually form a reality i'll attain mentally then, physically i manifest destiny causing a reaction breaking the chain every time i go through the ways of my single brain, often times feels as if I've a legion in regions of aftermath as i attack a stack of wack slacked jack creep flak *Boom. Bang. Pow.* now that feels like a kick in the head from the future i see wedding bells in, if i look a little longer i see another fable chilling their yonder i wonder if i take a gander i might meander over and scatter clovers all over till i run the shit over... 1:00
More Blogs
And for now
This is how I show who I am around town. With sound that hits th… -
Back at it again
In it to win. Back tracking is beginning to feel tacky. onward to f… -
Galatians 2
10 They asked only that we keep the poor in mind, and this I have al… -
Damn. I been fighting for so long. I'm not even sure what to do. I… -
...1st 5 top of head...
Every thirty year --- richard bellis Simple man --- lynard skyna… -
I set precedence to get me "in". Into the people. Now i should be … -
All this good. For what?
Here again. Doing great in life. Moving forward in life. Ive earn… -
Late night thoughts.
Going through it now. Bout to be kicked out. Doing the best i ever…