:12 twisted missions of lessons that i'm missing gotta think of a way to pull the thoughts outta my head an on to the paper instead, even though it's digital i would rather rival a rival then to wait for the arrival of a statue of some savior, what was done has been done and will be done again no matter if we choose to go where none has gone before, or do the same thing we been doing all along, like a finely crafted rapier i'm sharpening my self to call me the digi boy, landing digi notes no one even me don't know, how i go to unknown i will show, but with these words all i can do is tell you that the truth, i been a man since i seen my brother kick the can had to figure how to be a man now that my family was scammed, then just here back a few my uncie got hit with the same trigger too, as life got to stressing and it became to hard, something told them to pull the trigger real real hard, i flip the card to tell a part of my heart that got torn apart i'm not saying i'm smart, turn the key and start the ignition switching up i'm guessing i will plan for missing, and see where the mission leads me on down the road that i only know from previous shows, i adored so much i kept both my on board transmissions of related sessions... 1:30
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Thursday, July 5 ... continue to rejoice, to be readjusted, to be c… -
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I feel like an emoji, constantly changing. Hopefully i'll see what i …
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Job 6:24 Intruct me, and i will be silent. Help me to understand… -
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Over and over --- three days grace I will not bow ---breaking be… -
:):):)Thank you SG:):):)
I wanted to show some love SG. Thank you all for just bein…