:00 Living life on the way down the road, dunno what to say so i pray as i go, no words come to my head this time, another vision coming to me instead that's fine, one of brimstone, as am i'm sitting by the fire i smell the sulfur from the cave that i lay my head down in, i scrap some away and make the fire works play, making a big bang as i bang her down in the little spot of ground i have made out in my head, not sure what fed this to begin with but the bliss from a kiss has got me twisted cause i miss it. now shift into high gear and steer toward the life i want, gotta get out there to get it how ever i do is how i'm gonna do, where ever i go is where i'm gonna go, when i'm gonna do it is when it will get done, with no real plan it could be you holding my hand, who knew that a man crazy as me would come up with a way to save his day and keep living this way. out in the wild is where i needed to be tamed, from birth my spirit was hurt cause it had to insert it's self in a vessel like me, with out retort i should of hit abort when i decided to make my life short, i couldn't pull the trigger i had to be free, the feeling got bigger still i couldn't see my self as a spirit, so i chose to live life as i hear it, seeing sound waves pave ways here on this planet we call home today, they spray sporadic shapes in ways that make me feel great, objects in the air i can see them their, like going under power lines electricity's in the air, as the sun hits the road and the heat waves form, i'm seeing images in the form of adjourned wars of scorn, they want to win me but i'll fight with everything that is me i will not give in to anything including me... 1:36
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