I can not claim to be a Jehovah's witness. I practice ways that would be in high disregard with in the Jehovah Witness congregation. However, my family is Jehovah Witness, everyone except my brother and his family. I have come to understand that the Jehovah Witness's have a strong understanding of the truth when it comes to bible study and research. Like with every religion, one has got be careful to not place to much importance in the man at the podium. One must keep, in mind and heart, that God through His Son, is the one we should listen to the best we can. It is not the man that gave us the word, it is God through His Son that gave us the word. With in God's word i have learned that God's name is Jehovah. His son's name is Jesus Christ. We pray to Jehovah through Jesus.
JW publication
God has just one personal name. It is written יהוה in Hebrew and is usually rendered “Jehovah” in English. * Through his prophet Isaiah, God stated: “I am Jehovah. That is my name.” (Isaiah 42:8) This name appears about 7,000 times in ancient Bible manuscripts—far more frequently than any other term for God or, indeed, anyone else’s personal name. *
Of course i only speak from a christian point of view. Other religions and religious practices elude me. I intend to research more about other religions.
I have found, as far christian resources go, that the Jehovah Witnesses have one of, if not the best, websites to use for further study of the bible and what it actually says. Jehovah Witnesses back there teachings up with scripture right from the bible. They also back there findings and research up with real fact. jw.org
I am spiritual. I believe in the personal relation one has with the higher power. Whatever that higher power is, as long as you believe in something. God stated he is all and he is nothing