Religion is organized, Organized religion, the basis of which has been corrupted for centuries, by legions of ancestry hundreds upon thousands of years deep. No longer do they read from the book. "listen" they say, "i can hear the word God speaks", then they give "the look" that makes people weep. Everyone listening, blindly following. No one opening up and reading seeing if they are correct or wrong. The powers that be are in the back yard congregating, their minds filled with deceit, there hands scarred with misleading, there robes stained with the scent of the young they've been fondling.
Man's rise to power when they dont have the throne. They can't sit down so they fill there heads with code. Decoding the populous that populate the seats in front of the podium. I bring pandemonium if that's what i have to endure. I know not to listen to man when it comes to God's word. I can read for myself for my spirit is mine. No man will tell me i need them to pray. I can take a knee. I can clasp my hands. I can bow my head. I can talk to God my self. For that's what He said...
Prayers should spring from the heart and be expressed with sincerity; they should not be learned by rote and repeated mechanically. The Scriptures urge us: “When praying, do not say the same things over and over again as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words. So do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need even before you ask him.”—Matthew 6:7, 8.