Inspired by this comment and the link she mentions, I did some searching on Passive Aggression. Oddly my searches came up only for how to DEAL with passive aggressive people and not how someone might take steps in order to be less passive aggressive.
Seems like there's no help out there for the "nice guys."
Passiive-aggressives UNITE! And do NOTHING... they'll get theirs eventually...
glamorama is pretty fabulous. but american psycho is my alltime favorite book ever.
penn state.. ? is that where you are? i went to a summer program there before i went to college. i didn't have celiac then, though. i might have to stop there on one of my drives back east sometime.. just for the pizza. the only thing i remember there is the fucking good frozen yogurt.
i'm a busy busy girl.. but the next time i'll be driving through there is definitely in the middle of june. i have to drive east for my flight to europe
D:"I can't rake the leaves in my yard."
D:"I'm lazy. I can't get myself out there to rake the leaves off my yard. Yet I'm a total workaholic. If I could create a piece about raking leaves... you can bet those leaves would all be gone in a half-hour."
Then something happens that makes you question just why you're so serious in the first place. Pretentious and intimidating is how I come off to a girl who I think is a fucking rockstar of freedom, creativity and unchecked goofiness.
but then what do I do with all these lovely black t-shirts?
I would love to get my hands on it.