so long fucking weekend. my mum was out of town. I went down to babysit isaac early. got dressed; went to the show. I got on the list so I didn't have to pay. That's the weirdest thing ever. Blaine went dressed up as "neckbrace" all those people who don't live in ukiah "neckbrace" is a dealer that is obsessed with the raiders and wears a neck brace he doesn't need. He walks up and down the main drag at least 20 times in a day and kicks invisible shit in front of him. He is a local celebraty. Blaine pulled off the look to a fucking art. He looked so sleazy and gross and psychotic. I dressed up as Mrs. Marcellus from Pulp Fiction. My costume was perfect. Nobody knew who I was...but when I told them their eyes lit up and they thought it was appropriate. I dyed my hair and cut my bangs for this occasion. Rachel went as a condom fairy. Her costume was a success of course, though I don't think that anyone took condoms from her. They are begining to become unpopular...I don't think this is a cool trend. I drove Rachel to Petaluma and back. I got pulled over in Santa Rosa. The guy in front of me slowed to 55 in the fast lane and when I realized this I was on his ass. My exit was coming up so I went to the right and was going the speed limit. So of course this looks like I'm tailgating and then passing on the right. I didn't get a ticket. I was polite to the police officer. When I got back to Ukiah I passed out. Holloween was fun. I started drinking at 3:30. So by 10 almost everyone was partied out. Blaine socked Mike in the eye. It's swollen shut. Blaine felt awful, but probably not as bad as Mike did. Then he had the gall to tell me that we needed to "stop" can you stop something that hasn't started? I told him that it wasn't like we got married, and even that shit can get annulled. He just said he was an asshole. True, but more importantly, he is a liar. I'm sick of liars. Then I told him about the 2 other guys I've been vaguely seeing, that I when I said I wasn't expecting anything from him; I meant it, because I can't expect anything from myself. Then he changed the subject, because he can't talk seriously about anything. So I left. I stayed the night at Dani's. I had a dream that her roomates were doing heroine. I have a feeling my dream wasn't too far from reality. She told me they all went out and got spun last weekend...she said she wasn't with them. I don't know if I believe her. I'm almost to the point where I'm happy she's alive whenever I see her. But oh well. This is life.

Hah! We have our own local celebrity...Dris the Dark Elf. He's a weird little guy that dresses like every day is the Renaissance Festival. He also has a bum leg, but instead of using a regular cane like a normal person he has this giant staff that is a quarter taller than he is with Scandinavian runes burned all over it. Normally that wouldn't faze me except one day I was walking down the street and for no reason he screamed "Fucking Breeder!" for no reason at all. (Note: He is also gay, but that's pretty typical in my area of town) For a second I thought he was inciting a gay riot.