YYYAAAAYYY! my sis is fine. She had a periforated cyst on her ovary. It was removed. They wanted her to stay 2 days, but she said "fuck you, I'm staying one."....leave it to my sister. She is one stuborn fuck. I love her.
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I'm really glad about your sis - as one with cysts and fibroids (they usually don't come together!), I can totally comiserate with her.
And I can also relate to stubborness... last time I had fibroids removed, they wanted to keep me for a week. I tried to drive myself home... And I was so insistent and so mischiveous that they actually had the security lock me up till my friend showed up!
Mind you, I don't remember a thing because I was so high from the anesthetic
(I'm sure that would have been one fun drive home!)