I met this guy. He's sweet. He gives me lots of gifts. He calls me. I've known him a total of one day. He owns a record label. He works at the local venue and told me that I can get in with him for free. he owns?/works at a screen printing shop.
Wow, I feel very flattered. I'm not used to this kind of attention. He doesn't seem my type. But he seems genuinely nice. I'm confused. I'm not intrigued by him at all. I don't know. It's strange how the only person I'm intrigued with is Tony's bestfriend...and we all know what a challenge that is. and here's someone throwing themselves at me, and I'm not interested. I hate my logic...He really just isn't my type I guess...
Wow, I feel very flattered. I'm not used to this kind of attention. He doesn't seem my type. But he seems genuinely nice. I'm confused. I'm not intrigued by him at all. I don't know. It's strange how the only person I'm intrigued with is Tony's bestfriend...and we all know what a challenge that is. and here's someone throwing themselves at me, and I'm not interested. I hate my logic...He really just isn't my type I guess...
That said, listen to your intuition... logic has very little to do with it
Don't beat yourself up if this guy just doesn't do it for you... after all, you've only known him for a day - maybe things will change as you get to know him better. He could end up growing on you... or turn out to be a freak!
So, what local venue does he work at?
I'm at the point where every little thing he says is like a cut on my skin. I hate still feeling this way, I hate where we're at right now. Talking to him, I still hear hope in his voice. I don't think he's so willing to let it go, no matter what he actually says. He wasn't the best or the nicest guy I've ever met, but he was the best and nicest guy to me, for the longest. I don't want to lose him completely. So I gotta do what I can. We have the same friends, so it's not like he'll
be out of my life completely. We'll go to the same parties, probably get drunk together and still have a good time. It's strange, just feeling so much in love, and so empty at the same time. I'm not sure why he had to say it, why he had to make it real. I'm not used to this distance. It's so sudden, you know? I didn't want this. I don't understand it. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm at the point where all I do is cry and talk myself in circles. I can't stop this.