niece is getting tested tomorrow for luchemia (i know its spelled wrong shut the fuck up). I'm worried. I've been stressing out SOOO much in the past week. If it weren't for my dye job my entire head would be grey. On top of this I have a sty. fuck. now my perfect face is tainted...or I just have a swollen eye to add to the rest of my deformities (I'm not looking for sympathy so you can shut up there too). Yeah, so I'm just trying to save save save but i think I'm gunna have to buy supplies soon because ever since i've been at my 'rents house i haven't been able to clean my piercings and there is no way in fuck i am getting my tits infected. trying not to think...i've tortured you long enough i'll leave.
buh bye...
buh bye...
and this