This should be fun! It's a game I invented called "Keep Oubliette From the Poorhouse".
This here is my resume (edited to keep serial killers at bay). I need a full-time job that pays 13 dollars an hour or more. Going by the resume, what do you think would be the best position (heh) to apply for?
The winner well, I'll think of something creative.
This here is my resume (edited to keep serial killers at bay). I need a full-time job that pays 13 dollars an hour or more. Going by the resume, what do you think would be the best position (heh) to apply for?
The winner well, I'll think of something creative.
I'd say hit up center city design firms and advertising agencies. I think there are even a couple magazine publishers that might be able to use a design editor if one was dropped on their door step.