We desire to understand the world by giving names to the things we see, but these things are only the effects of something subtle.

When we see beyond the desire to use names, we can sense the nameless cause of these effects.

- Lao Tzu
Quote of the Day.

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

-Mark Twain
Quote of the Day

Star wars Trilogy is out. Yay.

Quote of the Day

I would like people to compete with me in contentment. It is the richest treasure I own.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Quote of the Day

Fuck it all, and fuckin no regrets.
Quote of the Day

A man on tiptoe can't walk easily.

The man who strides on ahead is bound to tire.

The kind of person who always insists on his way of seeing things can never learn anything from anyone.

Those who always want to be seen will never help others to be.

The showman is never secretly respected by anyone.

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"The kind of person who always insists on his way of seeing things can never learn anything from anyone."

i wish more people would take this into consideration.

and we totally have a date for sgspokompton in october. you, me,
newbluecheer, and bhnkpl.... last time i went there i left comments in other ppl from spokane's journal. they didn't say anything back. confused maybe you should corral those ones up!!
haha i didn't even know there was a spokane group!! i totally joined it. smile yeah, motivational forces are usually difficult in smaller regional groups.. when the numbers get bigger is when it's easier to get ppl out.

it looks like i won't be able to make it up until thanksgiving tho... my work committments are calling more on the weekends.. ah well...
Quote of the Day

You'll work harder with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day.
hmm... i never really went to the quarterhorse much. only a couple of times, once to see six state bender. we prolly did meet once at some drunken time... next time i roll up to the compton we will need to meet up for a beer or ten. smile i know for sure i'll be there for holidays, but i'm really itchin for some caleb tattoo love so i may make a trek up there mid october.
I like your quotes.
Quote of the Day

You climb obstacles like old people fuck, Private Pyle.

haha... you snooped the spo-compton pics!! hahahah.. snooper!! hahah..

small world, we both know josh! dude go to the bump to pass races at state line on weds nites, you are for sure to see him there... that's where i saw him!! smile

i'm curious to know if we both know other spokane peeps... have i met you before???

if not, i do believe that my next trip back there we should have an sgspokane meet up!! haha.. that would be rad!!
yep they are. pretty amazing, huh? he's really talented!
Quote of the Day

I'm givin ya shotgun but it's cause only cause I'm goin' inside.
Quote of the day

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,
when life gives you limes, buy some Corona.

p.s. and a bottle opener, chipping teeth hurts.
Quote of the day.

Ouch. Stupid beer kicked me in the head.
aww... was it pabst?? you know he is my boyfriend so i can kick his ass right back for you...

actually, as for the iq thing.. i'm a psychology/special education major... normal distribution for iq goes something like this:

of all people, 68% fall within one standard deviation (sd) of the mean score of 100..meaning 68% of all people have an IQ score between 85 and 115...

of all people, 95% fall within two sd's of the mean score of 100... so 95% of the population has an IQ score ranging between 70 and 130.

only 2.5% of the population has an IQ score of 70 or below, and only 2.5% of the population has an IQ score abobe 130.

so, in all acuallity, the percentage of people who have an IQ score of 50 is very very small...