My boyfriend is out of town for the weekend, I work all weekend, I'm tired but eventually won't sleep as usual. Why can I easily sleep in the afternoon when the sun is up and can't seem to find sleep at night?
If I didn't work it would be alright but I have to get up at 7a.m. almost every morning, I can't fall asleep at 3.a.m. every night. Anyway, what can I do about it.
Now that I've read the books I wanted to read in this life time, I don't want to read anymore. But that's okay, I'm sure I've already read more than the average person, it is kind of a drug: once I begin a book I can't get off of it, sometimes I can't even go to sleep if I don't finish it. I know, nothing new there I already can't go to sleep. Even if a book sucks, I'll read it until the end: maybe I'm the stupid one who don't get the picture but usually the book just plainly sucks, but I gave it a shot.
Now it's my movie addiction that is going off. But that's okay too, It will able be to save more money and eventually pay off my f**king mastercard.
I've try, once again to stop smoking pot. It's been almost three days now and I don't even miss it. Guess, all I need is music and green tea. Maybe some candles too, that would be great.
I think Keanu Reeves would be a good spiritual guide, but since I can't even afford this amazing Dalai Lama conference in New York this autumn, imagine having a chance to meet the man.
I love my lain picture, I don't want to change it, but I'll have to in order in get in SGMTL, too bad.
I need a new tatoo!!! Mostly, I need the money to get it done. I really sounds like a complaining girl, but don't get fooled, I'm just bored.
I'll listen to Exciter from Depeche Mode once more tonight, I just LOVE this record. Depeche Mode really knows how to illustrate feelings with songs. It is much appreciate, since I have difficulties explaining the unexplainable.
I have new friends! I've been checking these great human beings' journal for a while but didn't had the courage to ask for friendship. Thanx for all you old and new ones, I really love you guys, you're great!
Have a great night everyone.

Now that I've read the books I wanted to read in this life time, I don't want to read anymore. But that's okay, I'm sure I've already read more than the average person, it is kind of a drug: once I begin a book I can't get off of it, sometimes I can't even go to sleep if I don't finish it. I know, nothing new there I already can't go to sleep. Even if a book sucks, I'll read it until the end: maybe I'm the stupid one who don't get the picture but usually the book just plainly sucks, but I gave it a shot.
Now it's my movie addiction that is going off. But that's okay too, It will able be to save more money and eventually pay off my f**king mastercard.
I've try, once again to stop smoking pot. It's been almost three days now and I don't even miss it. Guess, all I need is music and green tea. Maybe some candles too, that would be great.
I think Keanu Reeves would be a good spiritual guide, but since I can't even afford this amazing Dalai Lama conference in New York this autumn, imagine having a chance to meet the man.

I love my lain picture, I don't want to change it, but I'll have to in order in get in SGMTL, too bad.
I need a new tatoo!!! Mostly, I need the money to get it done. I really sounds like a complaining girl, but don't get fooled, I'm just bored.

I'll listen to Exciter from Depeche Mode once more tonight, I just LOVE this record. Depeche Mode really knows how to illustrate feelings with songs. It is much appreciate, since I have difficulties explaining the unexplainable.
I have new friends! I've been checking these great human beings' journal for a while but didn't had the courage to ask for friendship. Thanx for all you old and new ones, I really love you guys, you're great!
Have a great night everyone.

How are u doing?