1- My Addictions: Stopping just won't do it. Instead I'm taking regular breaks. I try to go with the flow... Even if I notice right away to incovenients of smoking, drinking, eating chocolat like a pig, I try not to cut everything out since it will only result in more sinning later!

2- My Friends: I've been having some really good times in really good company lately. But like every human beings, I always wish for more... in terms of frequency. Can't give much details right now, since some of my previous entries were misinterpreted by my roomate. All we need is love (Beatles) : all we need is water and friends (Bush x).

3- My Health: is going straight to Hell. My IBS is worse than ever, and I really don't eat that much lately. I spent my Friday at the hospital just to end up having a prescriptions.

4- After school: 2 days left of school. Finally! And then, three weeks at the Premiere Moisson of the March Jean-Talon, and then... I leave on May 4th for the Iles de la Madeleine, and spend my summer working at Fleur des Sables . The picture above gives you an idea of what I should see through my bedroom window. This will be great! The sun, the fog, the Madelinots and some time alone.

4- Accepting and loving: my body! SuicideGirls has been of a great help in that department. And since my broke-up I lost 10 pounds and dyed my hair black. My blossom is almost complete and I feel beautiful. I couldn't even imagine feeling like that before. Speaking of blossoming, I now can confirm that I have experienced all types of feminine orgasms!

Add me to your MSN since most of my pictures are on that. I'll try to keep updating as musch as I can, but the next month will be a month of fury: preparing for the trip, working my ass off in order to leave a good impression, spending time with friends before summer.
But I'll be back in town for Halloween, that I promise. So prepared yourself for the Ultimate Halloween. It will be the occassion to catch up with everyone, finally wear a japanese costum and mostly celebrate the fact that I'll be 24 years old. River Phoenix didn't have that chance, it will be a time to commemorate too.
Have a great week everyone.

So is that enough news and pictures for you? Was it worth the wait?
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