First an update, then I'll respond to comments. I need to vent right now.
1- I was looking stuff up on HotTopic (so much temptation), and I found these:
As soon as I found them, I wanted to buy them. But, of course, before doing so I talked to the boy first. And he doesn't like them at all. And that makes me sad... a lot.
I know that it's just my own problem but maybe I need too much love, kind of like a puppy. I mean, it's been 3 years since we are together, 6 since I've known him and fell for him. It's a record for a heart as cold as mine. I love him so much, why do I need more? I want a goddamn ring, goddamn it. Is it too much to ask? Even my first boyfriend at high school gave me one made out of laiton, I mean come on. Ever saw 'The Thing called Love' with River Phoenix? He got her a $0,25 ring and still it's a ring.
I don't know. There's so much I want to do. I don't discriminate between friends I love them all, but if I don't marry him, who I am going to marry since he's my soulmate? I know, there's still Goblintcat
, but if I'm going to marry someone it may as well be my boyfriend, I mean I want to get marry somehow (let's make it clear, I don't want to get marry at any cost, but now that I've found love, I want to. No fancy wedding, just a little wedding at Vegas), but even if I know I would marry a dear friend just for fun, it's still kind of weird and Kod's going to be piss.
We've talked about it and all, but I still want to cry right now. Maybe my problem is that I want all now
2. Thanx for sticking around for point 2.
Look at this, a Toshiro Mifune figure:
Isn't the coolest?
3. I don't have any new pic of me yet, and I hate myself on all the other pictures so here's all you get for now:
4. Even if I'm in an open-relationship right now, I haven't been 'outside' since the first month of our relationship. There's good reason to it, I'm just not as much attractive now. I don't try telling me that I'm not right, since I haven't been cruise since (can I say cruise in english?) Let's admit it, when I was 19, I was a little horny slim gothic girl, now I'm little bit to big for my height and I have at least 2 pimples on my face at all time. That's okay, since I've gained weight I've passed from a B cup to a D cup
5. Un esprit sain dans un corps sain (do you have the same in english?) It's been almost a week since I haven't smoke.
I feel I do much more things now. I still have some paranoia episodes but I guess they'll pass with time.
6. Did I already write about the fear I have inside? See I have this big fear inside me that doesn't make me feel free. I guess it comes with the thing that now that I really want to make it through this live, I'm scared that someone might take it away from me. As a formal mortician, I've seen my lot of young people being crash by cars and that's what scares me the most, I guess.
7. I've just saw a PDF version of Madonna's sex book, and guess who's inside it... oh, yes, the ultimate man, Udo Kier. I need to have this book, but it's out of print.
8. In the spending department, yesterday we went on the Plateau, I bought myself some knitting cotton 'cause I've got a great shirt I want to make myself for the going out. (It should be finished for the Devil's Driver's concert). Also, we went to Le Valet de Coeur, and we bought the 2 cds from the Naheulband, the group that made a D&D parody. The cds are really funny. I'll try to learn some songs for this summer if I have the chance to go to a GrandeurNature.
Wow, you have read this much.
Here you win a pic a beautiful pic, I've got Jason Staham for the girls and some Bound (again!) for the boys (I know, I know, I enjoy both me too
Edit to add my own results from a test I've stolen from Paine
Your Birthdate: August 16
You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head.
You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking.
People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right.
You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself.
Your strength: Your original approach to thinking
Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others
Your power color: Pale blue
Your power symbol: Wavy line
Your power month: July
That sounds so right!
1- I was looking stuff up on HotTopic (so much temptation), and I found these:

As soon as I found them, I wanted to buy them. But, of course, before doing so I talked to the boy first. And he doesn't like them at all. And that makes me sad... a lot.
I know that it's just my own problem but maybe I need too much love, kind of like a puppy. I mean, it's been 3 years since we are together, 6 since I've known him and fell for him. It's a record for a heart as cold as mine. I love him so much, why do I need more? I want a goddamn ring, goddamn it. Is it too much to ask? Even my first boyfriend at high school gave me one made out of laiton, I mean come on. Ever saw 'The Thing called Love' with River Phoenix? He got her a $0,25 ring and still it's a ring.
I don't know. There's so much I want to do. I don't discriminate between friends I love them all, but if I don't marry him, who I am going to marry since he's my soulmate? I know, there's still Goblintcat

We've talked about it and all, but I still want to cry right now. Maybe my problem is that I want all now
2. Thanx for sticking around for point 2.

Look at this, a Toshiro Mifune figure:

Isn't the coolest?

3. I don't have any new pic of me yet, and I hate myself on all the other pictures so here's all you get for now:
4. Even if I'm in an open-relationship right now, I haven't been 'outside' since the first month of our relationship. There's good reason to it, I'm just not as much attractive now. I don't try telling me that I'm not right, since I haven't been cruise since (can I say cruise in english?) Let's admit it, when I was 19, I was a little horny slim gothic girl, now I'm little bit to big for my height and I have at least 2 pimples on my face at all time. That's okay, since I've gained weight I've passed from a B cup to a D cup

5. Un esprit sain dans un corps sain (do you have the same in english?) It's been almost a week since I haven't smoke.

6. Did I already write about the fear I have inside? See I have this big fear inside me that doesn't make me feel free. I guess it comes with the thing that now that I really want to make it through this live, I'm scared that someone might take it away from me. As a formal mortician, I've seen my lot of young people being crash by cars and that's what scares me the most, I guess.
7. I've just saw a PDF version of Madonna's sex book, and guess who's inside it... oh, yes, the ultimate man, Udo Kier. I need to have this book, but it's out of print.

8. In the spending department, yesterday we went on the Plateau, I bought myself some knitting cotton 'cause I've got a great shirt I want to make myself for the going out. (It should be finished for the Devil's Driver's concert). Also, we went to Le Valet de Coeur, and we bought the 2 cds from the Naheulband, the group that made a D&D parody. The cds are really funny. I'll try to learn some songs for this summer if I have the chance to go to a GrandeurNature.
Wow, you have read this much.
Here you win a pic a beautiful pic, I've got Jason Staham for the girls and some Bound (again!) for the boys (I know, I know, I enjoy both me too

Edit to add my own results from a test I've stolen from Paine

Your Birthdate: August 16
You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head.
You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking.
People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right.
You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself.
Your strength: Your original approach to thinking
Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others
Your power color: Pale blue
Your power symbol: Wavy line
Your power month: July

As for the rings, I dunno what to tell you except talk to the boy about how much it'd mean to you. I think rings scare people (guys especially) because they think they have to symbolize engagement and then marriage. There are diamond-sellers trying to convince single gals to buy themselves diamond rings now, which I think is just a marketing ploy, but there's some sense in it because the ring means whatever you want it to mean. And if you talk about it first so he knows YOU know it isn't an engagement ring, then he might be less scared of the idea. Just a suggestion.
[Edited on Jan 06, 2006 12:29PM]
But maybe like Valcapones said he sees it as symbolizing more.