A new Foamy !
Smoking level: I'm doing actually. I haven't smoke
And no cravings.
But this morning, while I was with KOD
, I got a really terrific cramp, I was sure I was going to
. I had to stay in the bathroom for 20 minutes. Talk about a turn down.
Anyhow, I have the best boyfriend in the world: he prepared me a bath, to help me feel better.
Spending level: I haven't spend any money today.
Must resist the Yves Rocher 50% off sale. And mostly importantly, must resist the pj pants in the SG shop and the new panties. It's so hard.
I'm presently turning vegan, or at least trying. I never realised how much it can be difficult to eat vegan in restaurant, or just at the Tim Horton. But that's okay, I'll have some groceries done tomorrow with KOD. He's is vacation too, but I don't see him that much... Warcraft junkie.

Smoking level: I'm doing actually. I haven't smoke

But this morning, while I was with KOD

Anyhow, I have the best boyfriend in the world: he prepared me a bath, to help me feel better.

Spending level: I haven't spend any money today.
Must resist the Yves Rocher 50% off sale. And mostly importantly, must resist the pj pants in the SG shop and the new panties. It's so hard.
I'm presently turning vegan, or at least trying. I never realised how much it can be difficult to eat vegan in restaurant, or just at the Tim Horton. But that's okay, I'll have some groceries done tomorrow with KOD. He's is vacation too, but I don't see him that much... Warcraft junkie.

not a new look! an old look! my last three sets have been shot since then.
Haven't spent anything today, but am wondering about buying an album by Morley and Thorie du Bloom from amazon.fr...
Also can't decide whether or not to drink/smoke tomorrow night... after all, 2006 doesn't begin until minuit passe...
Also wondering about cutting down on my carbs, but fear that could prove expensive...
Decisions decisions....