Like usual, I woke up, open the computer and just took a look at the new sets like every morning...
It's been 3 hours!!! I'm still in my PJs. There is too many awesome people on SG with great journal update!
As for me, I just don't know what you write here anymore.
Otsu likes:
Having to sleep in every morning until school starts on Januray 10th
Having friends to will come partying at her place on New Year's Eve
Spending time and money at places like Idefix and L'change here, which are stores that sells used books, videos and video games!
I'm totally hook to Dr. Mario's on GameBoy
Otsu dislikes:
Having happypretending family gettogether
Having only only meat to eat on holidays
Realising that since i don't change boyfriends anymore, I'm the problem, I'm lazy.
My problem: weed. Seriously guys, I need help. Is it okay to smoke or not? Why do I feel this guilt? Why do I continue to smoke anyway? why can't I make up my fucking mind?
2006 will be consecrate to paying by student loan and my mastercard. and listening, listening to my body, to the people I love, to my environment. And if you get tattoo, call me, I need an excuse to go. I've alreay got 5 drawnings waiting.

As for me, I just don't know what you write here anymore.

Otsu likes:

I'm totally hook to Dr. Mario's on GameBoy
Otsu dislikes:

My problem: weed. Seriously guys, I need help. Is it okay to smoke or not? Why do I feel this guilt? Why do I continue to smoke anyway? why can't I make up my fucking mind?
2006 will be consecrate to paying by student loan and my mastercard. and listening, listening to my body, to the people I love, to my environment. And if you get tattoo, call me, I need an excuse to go. I've alreay got 5 drawnings waiting.

Trailer Park Boys is a series on Showcase about a group of guys who live in a Trailer Park. It's kind of hard to explain but it involves alot of crime, swearing and drinking! It's really funny and you can't help but feel better about yourself after watching it because at least you don't live in a shed on a car!
I'll certainly keep you posted as new movies appear on my radar! I'm sure I'll find something good sooner or later.
Have you seen "Memento"? or "Salton Sea"? 2 great movies I watched for around the 10th time over the weekend!
My friend had a dvd version where one of the extras played the movie in chronological order. Very bizarre! A completely different movie!