I've just updated my space on MSN.
I could complain but it's a waste of time. Fucking holidays!
I could caught up with my update but the past is behind me and you didn't miss any exciting events.
Waiting for one more HotTopic order and then, I cut my credit card.
I have some resolutions I want to take for the new year, most of them being the ones that Sunfeather wrote on his journal: stop smoking (yeah, yeah, again !), stop spending money I don't have (
), taking care of myself (this one is already started, no more meat for me!
and I need to exercice which I don't do at all and simply have no motivation to do), but I love milk and cheese so no vegan this year, maybe later), getting laid (ok this one I already do, and my libido has come back too, so no problem there), I guess that's a good start. I also want my tattoos to do done is 2006 and credit card clear (which should be done with my tax refund).
I've been in a hentai mood lately, maybe that explains why I haven't been around so much.
That's it folks,
I could complain but it's a waste of time. Fucking holidays!
I could caught up with my update but the past is behind me and you didn't miss any exciting events.
Waiting for one more HotTopic order and then, I cut my credit card.
I have some resolutions I want to take for the new year, most of them being the ones that Sunfeather wrote on his journal: stop smoking (yeah, yeah, again !), stop spending money I don't have (
I've been in a hentai mood lately, maybe that explains why I haven't been around so much.
That's it folks,