i am sorry to even be writing this but if anyone can give me any advise about what i am dealing with i think it would be the people on here. i am a perpetually happy person until 6 months ago. for the first time in my life, right now, i am shaking and i am having some very confusing, anger filled emotions and i feel like i dont know how i am going to get thru the night. i have been stabbed in the back by my best friend/lover. i am 37 yrs old and i have been in 4 very long relationships but i have never felt about anyone like i did my last girl. the heart that i had left has been completely torn from my chest and my soul feels like it was set on fire and i dont want to be here and deal with this anymore. i dont want tomorrow to get here because i have to wake up and think about this again. i am so fucking hurt. i have never felt like this before and i cannot take it. i am everyone of my friends "rock". i am always there to take the shirt off of my back for anyone and the 1 person who told me they loved me and cared for me has completely desserted me and done things that i can no longer think about. i cant puke anymore and if i started to cry i dont think i would ever stop. i have never felt so low and unloved in my entire life. i know people are going to say that thinkgs will get better and take it day by day but i honestly dont think i can. omg please help. what am i supposed to do from here? anyone...please.
I found that just writing down everything I was feeling helped for the first week. I just wrote until I couldn't anymore. Also, talk to your friends. If there is anyone around you that you are close to you should try to be around them as much as possible now. You need to distract your mind as much as possible. I'm sorry you're in pain. I went through this myself and I'm still crying now and then so it does get somewhat better. Hang in there