God, I love Myspace, I get gems like this:
Date: Jun 19, 2006 4:05 PM
Subject: 1488
Body: 3 words that best describe your miserable self... Fat Commie SCUM... You are part of the pandemic this great needs so dearly to get rid of in order for all this disorder to dissolve... You and your friends are so Anti-Hate and diverse but when a Non-White raises his/her fist to show pride its justified but when a proud white man/woman does so they are Rascist Scum... When you really look at it you are the one with the hate problem.. The majority of us does not Hate btu only love our race to the point we will do anything to protect it... Get Lost SCUM!!!
I'd love to tell him that his political ideology is closer to communist than my fat ass will ever come, but either he won't get it, or his head will explode...

Date: Jun 19, 2006 4:05 PM
Subject: 1488
Body: 3 words that best describe your miserable self... Fat Commie SCUM... You are part of the pandemic this great needs so dearly to get rid of in order for all this disorder to dissolve... You and your friends are so Anti-Hate and diverse but when a Non-White raises his/her fist to show pride its justified but when a proud white man/woman does so they are Rascist Scum... When you really look at it you are the one with the hate problem.. The majority of us does not Hate btu only love our race to the point we will do anything to protect it... Get Lost SCUM!!!
I'd love to tell him that his political ideology is closer to communist than my fat ass will ever come, but either he won't get it, or his head will explode...
Bahahahahaha!!! He called you a COMMIE...hahahahahahahahaaaa.....