The last of his religion aka Stephen's bizzarro night
After hanging out with the charming young woman whose door I brutally battered Thursday night, swinging
by the Remote Lounge for an industrial night to see my two friends, and not to menton lesbians pawing
each other, I get summoned to a random bar by my two friends known for keeping my out late, and dragging
me to bars I hate.
1> Mimi left before I did, of her own free will. This has never ever ever happened before.
2> I refuse to go to MArs bar with my other friend, and instead go to a diner (Odessas). I walk in and
sit down, and hear some peopel singing a madonna song. It looks like a few hispanic girls sitting
across diagonally from where I am. Only there's too many voices for that, so I kind of look around.
Tehre's this table of four guys, possibly flaming homosexuals (but you can never tell in new york city),
actually singing the songs in full, and the girls at the next table are mouthing in when they remember
the lyrics. Then I notice girls at the next table on the other side singing along as well. After
awhile, half the diner starts singing along with them. The kicker here is that people WALKING IN are
singing and clapping along as they are entering the establishment for the first time this evening.
3> I left the weird diner. I go to hail a cab and he drives right past me. A second cab picks up this couple before me on the block. Then I hear a voice from behind me
"Hey, do you need a cab"
"Yeah, actually."
"Well I drive that yellow cab right there, and I just got off my break."
So not only is this guy white, american and english speaking, his name is George. He tells me how people are always freaked out by the fact that he's a cab driver, white, and english speaking. He also tells me how the best line he's heard thsi month was some drunk woman said to him: "Dude, you are the last of your religion!"