OK my friend's aunt's surgery has been moved to the 6th, and I have moved my day off to the 6th as well...
hey...if you get an extra day off...can you give it to me? i could use one. kiss
wuvmonki is my cute precocious friend. smile run with it.
OK, I took October 8th off to go with my friend to the hospital while her great aunt, who raised her, is having surgery that may prove to be as fatal as the condition they're trying to fix.
thanks for the testimonial, hot stuff.
I cannot stop fucking sneezing today, and I have to go see my friend's band play in an hour. Rant over.
Well, in the middle of all the end of the relationship crap, I managed to not get this job I Was going for. I didn't underqualify. No candidates were better than me. No, the job itself has been closed "for now"... mad
jobs suck when they pull that stuff.
yr great. kiss
Well I've rejoined single life, and I have to say it sucks, but not nearly as badly as I remember it... The details are long and stupid, and it wans't by choice, nor was it due to anything I did wrong...
that's two people on my friends list so far today...jesus

come out drinkin. smile
Welcome back! blackeyed
Everything in my life stabilized a bit and I think things are going to be OK after all...
how did you come to have yr alias be "othello"?

i'm just wondering if it's kind of a sick joke because my friend jennifer's son recently passed away and his name was Othello...sick jokes and me don't get along.

i hope it isn't, you seem pretty rad.

[Edited on Jul 27, 2004 12:21PM]
aww yr not a creep.
or are you? eeek wink
Man, this week sucked

1> I nearly lost my job due to ahuge screwup I had to prove was only partially my fault frown

2> The next day when something bad happened I had to prove it wasn't my fault eeek

3> I lost my mom's birthday card and didn't wrap her present eeek

4> My tranny broke on the LIE and apparently AAA forgot I used to...
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Had a GREAT weekend. The MHS crew from Sacto, CA came out, and I got to chill with Jake, Marques, Johnny Roughneck and others. Also it was my girlfriend's birthday and we had fun.
Not much happening. I'm still on atkins, I'm still not single (liek anyone cares), and I'm still working, which I'm happy about.
you're a fucking dork.
me neither. there are actually 1 or 2 cool people on here
I'm no longer single, and because of this I am rarely online. This has caused my "online friends" to get mad at me, but most of the people I know online know my phone number and see me often enough anyway...

But yeah I have a good reason for being offline, and her name is Sue. She's really understanding of what a geek I am,...
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December 7th was my birthday. The night before (saturday the 6th) I braved the blizzard to go to a bar and celebrate the little get together was a lot of fun and I got very wasted
I also had a misadventure getting home with my friend from VA whow as crashing on my couch...

here's the resultant convo between me and my friend Animal about...
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