5 things I wish I could've told myself 5 years ago....
Let's see 5 years ago, I was about to turn 22 years old. I had just moved home from Atlanta and was in one of the worst relationships I've ever been in.
Ohhh oswin, the things I wish I could tell you. Let's start with this
1. Your anxiety does not define you and you shouldn't allow it to. I know it gets really difficult sometimes but do your best to let your personality shine through. Even if it's shining through tiny cracks, let it, don't be so afraid of the world. From what I've seen so far, everyone will love you. And if they don't, they suck anyway haha
2. Follow your heart and your dreams. No matter where it takes you, just go with it. Life is all about the journey, it's not a race. Who cares where so and so is at in their life! Take your time doing whatever it is that you want to do. Learn who you are and enjoy the journey, because you'll end up in a career you never guessed in a million years that you'd be doing.
3. Your ambition is not bigger than you are! I know sometimes it feels like you're nothing but a dreamer but you can make all those dreams happen. The only thing that ever stops you, is YOU! There's no one else in your way but you and your anxiety. I know this sounds like the same advice as number 1 and 2 but I promise it's different. You are always dreaming of something and then you stop and say no I'm just little old oswin but you're not. You're fucking oswin dude! Your ambition is actually going to make someone fall in love with you, and she's amazing. So don't lose that ambition!
4. Always treat others the way you want to be treated. I know that lame elementary school saying is old as fuck but it's one I still hold close to my heart. You're going to run into some awful awful people that are going to do their best at trying to tear you down. Don't stoop to their level. It's going to be so tempting (and I truly wish I could stop you) but please don't do it. I know, she truly th biggest cunt in the world (and still is) but you can't fix stupid so don't try.
5. Dance like you always want to! Idk why you ever stopped. It makes you so happy (and fit). If you want to dance, fucking do it! Dance in the middle of the grocery store, dance in your car, dance in the backyard, dance in the shower! Just don't ever stop dancing. It's a great way to relieve stress and stay fit.
I'm off to my local library tomorrow to see what I can find! Any suggestions on books and/or comics? I like horror, sci-fi, and fantasy!
Thanks @missy and @rambo for another great homework 😘