So I woke up for work yesterday like any other day, and my POS car wouldn't start. I checked to make sure I didn't leave my lights on, bc I've been known to do that, but lights were off. So I woke raina up to help me jump the car, hoping it would help.
We sat there for a solid 30 minutes, which by this point im late for work, car still won't start. We go to get a new battery hoping it's just an old battery, which it really was. I had that battery since 2010, so extremely old. At this point I show up to work 2 hours late, raina goes home to test the new battery and guess what? Still won't start. One of my coworkers drove me home and plugged some sort of code reader into my car and it was showing the throttle body (?) so he starts tinkering with it and testing all kinds of shit.
Now I should point out, I'm fucking awful at knowing anything about cars. I know the basics to get me by but if something goes wrong I freak bc idk anything about the workings of a car.
So fast forward to now, I've had two friends that are mechanics come out and look at it and basically tell me my car is at the beginning of the end. So instead of investing money into this, I'd rather invest in something new. So I'm getting a new car Monday!!
It's going to be a 2015 fiat 500 and I'm so fucking stoked!!! It looks like a new generation dalek and it makes me happy (:
I'm also really happy to smell that new car smell! Yum 💖
I've always wanted a VW beetle but I've heard that they are stupid expensive to maintain and then I fell in love with the cuteness of a fiat! If you can't tell I like small bubbly cars haha
So I've been a tad stressed out but I'm glad to be moving forward and upward with my life. I'm a happy stressed if that makes any sense at all (: