I really love this topic! all nostalgic and shit 💟💟
so being a lesbian, my younger crushes were all girls, of course I realized it way later in life. I had no idea why I felt the way I did about them at the time. looking back, I never liked any boys or men, but I had these feelings for girls that I never understood. As a kid, you don't really understand sexuality and it's never really explained to you. it's something I wish I would have realized about myself a lot earlier in life than I did but I think I always sort of knew that I was attracted to girls/women.
one of my earliest crushes that I can remember is Fi from that Disney show So Weird! I absolutely loved this show! it was creepy and had a really cute main character! Fi was mysterious, inquisitive, and beautiful. which are the main qualities in a woman that I'm attracted to. She would travel with her mom, who was a musician, and she would uncover the supernatural. something about her just fascinated me. The actress is Cara DeLizia! she's still just as cute as I remember, although now I find her quite sexy
this is what she looked like when she portrayed Fi on So weird
that glare from over the laptop! ugh did any of you ever watch this show? I really loved it and I still have one of the Halloween specials on VHS that I had recorded. how old school 😂
this is Cara now 😻😻😻😻
I think it's safe to say that I'm still crushin on her.
I also had a major crush on Cristina Ricci and I still do! I really liked her in Casper, but I think her role as Wednesday sealed the deal for Me. Mysterious, dark, moody. more traits that I really love in a woman! she's gorgeous and always has been.
I'd have to say those were my main crushes when I was younger. now I really want to watch old episodes of So Weird!
@missy @rambo @lyxzen 💟
oh! I also wanted to share how excited I am for Orlando in a few weeks!!! I'm equal parts excited and anxious. I always saw pictures of girls at shootfests and it always looked like so much fun. even before I was hopeful, I would daydream about getting to do something like this and now I'm really getting to do it! seriously will be living in a dream state that entire week and I apologize in advance for how weird and goofy I will be! it is perfect timing too, the week right after my final exams! and after this semester, I only have two left!!! yay!
i can not to be road tripping with @fresa !!! I know we are going to have so much fun the entire week and even when we are driving (: I love this chick, seriously so sweet and so beautiful and I get to spend an entire week with her and a house full of beautiful women including @lilymai @maud @wolfling @aerie @moony @aniston @disco @eirenne and I know there's more but I'm getting all anxious just naming these ladies 💟 oh em gee. so many babes, I hope I don't get too shy.