Hey guys. The Fourth of July was beautiful here in Iowa believe it or not. it was over a lake. So you can see the reflection of all the fireworks in the water. Was so beautiful I spent it with my ex and his family and we were making out even though we broke up LOL. It was just so romantic how could we not
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I think I could make out with my ex, but I could not live with her 
Yea we are still very close, it's quite confusing

So now my hair is a silvery light purple mixed with silver blonde roots and a chunk of not a dreadlock and hair extension metal LOL. Note to self brush hair everyday when you have hair extensions. and if I have sex put my hair up really tight so it doesn't get into a dreadlock...lol

Sweetheart, you look amazing and who ever has sex with you is the luckiest guy on earth 😉
great tips 

So I decided I would tell the story of my strange hometown. @missy @rambo This is my experience with growing in a town full meditation from a young age, i went to a high school where we meditated twice a day!! mandatory! lol, we actually got graded on our meditation!

Opra winfree, Jim Carey, and many other famous actresses and actors have learned TM (transcendental...
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Woah this is amazing! I never knew about this place, my Dad grew up in Mason City Iowa, but seriously never knew Fairfield existed. (Tho to be fair I've never been to Iowa, I grew up in Colorado) I've only recently been daily meditating for the last 12 months, but calm abiding meditation, I don't know much about TM. My friends in LA do it, and I've always wanted to practice it, but wouldn't know where to begin, but sounds like Iowa is the place! Seriously though, it must have been very intense growing up in a place like you describe, I can see where it could appear as a cult, but as an outsider it sounds kind of like an extreme passion for some people, enough for them to flock there! Meditation to me isn't necessarily a lifestyle it's more of a tool for me to start my day in a calm, self loving way. I'd love to hear more stories, I'm sure you've got some more amazing ones to tell! Thanks so much for sharing ❤️
Yes meditation alone is great!

i have huge boobs! and a smaller body. I have always had the hardest time finding bras that fit right.

apparently i have been living on another planet or I have jsut been too lazy to do research, but there are some great brands out there just for curvy girls like me.

Curvy Kate... is awesome.

and i have found some other great ones too.
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Miss teacher! <3 
Well I think if the bra fits wear it.lol!honestly I think you just letting them breathe is also a nice fit as well..☺BTW The bra you have on in pic is supper hot.Whatever you have on or not have on is hot.If you like how it feels or makes you feel ,I love it!

My SG crush, well. there are so many. But I think the one that when I see her I relate to her, and feel so much beauty and honesty from, that takes my breath away the most right now, is @paulam

I used to live in Northern California, and I had long dreadlocks. She reminds me a bit of myself. But a free girl, who
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gotta be pink first! but then hell yea ill head down to brazil to hang out with @paulam and do a sick multi!!! @legman
Aaaaaal omg you are so cute !!!!! Thanks bb!! And I'm living in Spain now not more in Brazil, but if you come to here for sure we will go out !! ❤️❤️❤️❤️