@rambo @missy
My good friends from northern California have a brewery/ club here and on the main walls behind the band on the stage I get to do a mural inspired by this painting.
My friends dad bought this one from me about ten years ago when I lived in California. He said he had never seen such female power and independence coming out of a woman in a painting. She definitely doesn't need anything or any body! Lol
So now I'm painting 2 14by 8 foot murals, the main one will be an old steam train coming out of a cave with this girl up on the train riding it like she owns it! Haha carrying a whip.
These are the kind of jobs I've been waiting for! I've always wanted to do murals. I'll show you guys as I get some of it done. I'll be doing it over Christmas
Wish me luck!!
Cheers Osiruss