I love my first tattoo. I got it when i was 15. I grew up in a town where people do a lot of yoga and meditate. kinda a hippy town, and we learned a lot of Indian philosophy in school (i know weird right? ) it was a private school. I even traveled to india and learned a lot about their culture with my mom. So even after leaving that community, it still is a big part of my childhood, the meditating, the yoga, the spirituality. I basically grew up in a TM community led by Maharishi (the Beatles old guru) I went the Maharishi school of the AGe of enlightenment (a mouth full right? ) as my highschool and we meditated twice a day. Today I meditate sometimes. and yoga is my real meditation. I like to be active yet find peace while Im doing it. The Durga tattoo reminds me to never give up in hte hardest of situations.
I grew up learning Sanskrit the Indian sacred language. So my tattoo on my right side, means "Salutations to the Sovereign enthroned upon the Lions back" its a salutations to Durga, the lion goddess and war goddess.
She is always in the midst of chaos and is strong and fierce. I completely felt like I was always being thrown curve balls and dangerous and difficult situations in my life since I was young, and I thrived in those hard times.
That tattoo seemed perfect for me. Also with my scar, its like I was going to have this hard and trail after trial sort of life, and i was accepting that at a young age. I knew that was who I was and it had a purpose. By going though all the hard things and learning how people function and fight, I would be able to understand life and people, and hopefully help others some day!!!