this is what my few presious nights off come to. A boring night in doing absolutly..... nothing, lets run down the list of things to do while bored.
Cook a self indulgent meal: Check
Eat a pound of chocolate: Check
Watch a movie: Check( by the way it was blair witch
Masturbate: Check....and check.....and umm..... check >.<
Update journal: Check
Now to figure out what in the nine hells to do tomorrow night. If I knew any girls around here(that could go out and were not attached already:see bottom of post) I would invite them out to see something cool in the moon light(not that you perves) in the woods around here there is a dam and by now it has ice all over it. The ice glows blue under the moon light... it's really rather cool. After that I could suggest having some tea or hot cocoa, cuddling under a blanket and watching a movie...... or better yet see what they would like to do.
I know I keep bitching about this being single thing and the correct response to this is "Damnit if you want a girl go the fuck out and get one!!!!" Well you see it's not that simple.... I have a knack for getting attracted to people that are currently unavalable, that and when I approach people I never have the intent to get there clothes off. I'm a nice guy... and sadly I do suffer from nice guy syndrome, great person, sweet, caring, I have never once been in a fight with a GF because I like to come to a middle ground in ideas and I never fully give in(well there are circumstances). All these things I keep hearing that women want......
I will just keep waiting and keeping faith that someone will come along who is single and I am attracted to, untill then.....
Forget regret or life is yours to miss.
no other road, no other way, no day but today.
Current song: Mr, Brightside
Current mood: BORED
this is what my few presious nights off come to. A boring night in doing absolutly..... nothing, lets run down the list of things to do while bored.
Cook a self indulgent meal: Check
Eat a pound of chocolate: Check
Watch a movie: Check( by the way it was blair witch

Masturbate: Check....and check.....and umm..... check >.<
Update journal: Check
Now to figure out what in the nine hells to do tomorrow night. If I knew any girls around here(that could go out and were not attached already:see bottom of post) I would invite them out to see something cool in the moon light(not that you perves) in the woods around here there is a dam and by now it has ice all over it. The ice glows blue under the moon light... it's really rather cool. After that I could suggest having some tea or hot cocoa, cuddling under a blanket and watching a movie...... or better yet see what they would like to do.
I know I keep bitching about this being single thing and the correct response to this is "Damnit if you want a girl go the fuck out and get one!!!!" Well you see it's not that simple.... I have a knack for getting attracted to people that are currently unavalable, that and when I approach people I never have the intent to get there clothes off. I'm a nice guy... and sadly I do suffer from nice guy syndrome, great person, sweet, caring, I have never once been in a fight with a GF because I like to come to a middle ground in ideas and I never fully give in(well there are circumstances). All these things I keep hearing that women want......
I will just keep waiting and keeping faith that someone will come along who is single and I am attracted to, untill then.....
Forget regret or life is yours to miss.
no other road, no other way, no day but today.
Current song: Mr, Brightside
Current mood: BORED

As for hanging out in ME on a night as you describe,
why not lay on the frozen water at the damn and look at the moon from there. I think that would be nice.
It sounds like you hit the nail on the head about some things about yourself.
Those are healthy thoughts you should be grateful you know yourself so well.
As for me having my treatment this week.....
I will email the mess to you.
I was referring to someone else.
I still ahve to email you the bullshit about my treatment not being approved yet.
I am working on the next, I was and am still very upset about it. But, I will tell you aboout it through my email.