I embrace my desire to
feel the rhythm, to feel connected
enough to step aside and weep like a widow
to feel inspired, to fathom the power,
to witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain,
to swing on the spiral
of our divinity and still be a human.

With my feet upon the ground I lose myself
between the sounds and open wide to...
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Hmmm... well, I hope I age as well as you! You do look cardable. biggrin
I am right there with ya. Current mood and song.
It is a very long, fucked up situation. Basically I get really bad migraines. Neurologists and neurosurgeons are assholes and I keep getting passed around to all of them.
So.. I am borderline homicidal/nervous breakdown right now.

I feel for your friend. I wish her well. I know how hard it is to be in a situation like that, minus a child and that makes it a lot worse. I wish you well too.
Ahh this weekend was a weekend of highs and lows :p.

I was able to see a friend I havent seen in awhile due to him becoming a married man(like I was.....long story, the short version was I was ruthlessly dumped) and a father (wich I am not). It was still good to see him and get myself involved in a RPG he is running,...
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Yes... They have no idea what I could do to them.
Pain and Humiliation until they are snivelling like little bitches. I might have to kick someone. Good idea!

Dude, you should just start clubbing girls up there. Whack!
Try the "come to Butthead" or "bring those DD's over here".
Something classy like that.
Hey now that I've figured out how to get more real journal entrys in, I can start writing more ^^(thank you for the help elektra ^^).

Today has been a slow, lazy day for me for the most part, good to have one of those once in awhile. I'm feeling the urge to be creative again.... now I need to find someone to take pictures...
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I thankfully, had my best firend miss_lady to help me out when I joined so that made things easier for me. You should check out the pictures 3.14 in my pictures. I made her sit on a pie HEHEHE... It is really funny. For the full story see the 3.14 file in miss_lady's pictures. They are pretty damn funny.
It was a big hit around hear. Women and pie or food in general=A dangerous combination.
Hello all ^^ I'll have a pic up sooner or laters till then great site BTW if you see any spelling errors in the profile over yonder leeme know okthxbyby
eeek ok so I havent writen in a bit (note to self I need a place to vent.....). Ah the holidays, this is the first time in a long time that I have been single during them.... bleh. To top it off I may have to move in like a moth due to new land lords >.<. I will survive like I always do, besides facing the unknown can be fun

Current mood: Introspective
Current song: 46+2 by Tool
Hello! I noticed you are in ME. I grew up in ME as well as NY.
So welcome fellow person who knows how to say Bangor correctly. I will not point out any spelling errors b/c I suck sometimes and it's not important anyway.
However, I will give you a tip update your journal instead of adding to it. So people like me can see what's up with you.
I am a TOOL fan as well. So since we have common ground I am going to send you a friend request. Check out my shit and see if you want to accept or not... No pressure.