nothing much going on....just chillin, working , going to skool, and playing WoW lol
Good Morning,
things have been ok, i got employee of the month at my work, it's pretty kewl, get my own parking space and stuff hehe. finally got my night elf hunter to level 60 on world of warcraft, that's fun.
created an undead rogue and a tauren shaman now to mess around with hehe.
i have to go to work in a little bit....
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things have been ok, i got employee of the month at my work, it's pretty kewl, get my own parking space and stuff hehe. finally got my night elf hunter to level 60 on world of warcraft, that's fun.
created an undead rogue and a tauren shaman now to mess around with hehe.
i have to go to work in a little bit....
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just chillin,
been thinking about a certain someone latley....he he someone that lives in NH
she means ALOT to me. honostly, i really belive i love her he he.
been thinking about a certain someone latley....he he someone that lives in NH

she means ALOT to me. honostly, i really belive i love her he he.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!, thats funny that mines tomarrow
I will be sending your mask out on friday. I would sent it sooner but just bad timing with the holidays and shit...anyway happy birthday!!!

thanx sweetie hope you are doing well!!
are there ANY girls that live in the bay area that would like to get to know me and maybe go out?

if i lived in the area i'd hang out

hey love i sent you an e-mail, but i'm not sure it's working

morning everyone!
well i'm off to work, i start school on monday for VIDEO GAME PROGRAMING!!! YAY!!! he he, my goal is to work for square and make more final fantasy games!!
nothing much happend latley...still hard to find a date
talk to everyone later!!
well i'm off to work, i start school on monday for VIDEO GAME PROGRAMING!!! YAY!!! he he, my goal is to work for square and make more final fantasy games!!

nothing much happend latley...still hard to find a date

talk to everyone later!!
glad you like my hair! its hard to keep it red!
thanks for commenting

For some reason your email wouldn't work, so here's my reply:
I got them from La Senza. It's a Canadian lingerie shoppe, I don't think
there are any chains in the states. But if you search online you can
probably find some.
I got them from La Senza. It's a Canadian lingerie shoppe, I don't think
there are any chains in the states. But if you search online you can
probably find some.
well nothing much new latley, going to go see fantastic four
in the morning, still trying to hook up with this girl that i
have been trying to be with for 2 years, she still dose not
know "if she likes me" more then the other guy who lives 360 miles away from us!!!!
this kinda piss's me off, i told her that "i'm HERE"...
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in the morning, still trying to hook up with this girl that i
have been trying to be with for 2 years, she still dose not
know "if she likes me" more then the other guy who lives 360 miles away from us!!!!
this kinda piss's me off, i told her that "i'm HERE"...
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That is the way it works hun...sorry but I know what you are going through


Thanks hun


just got the Atreyu cd "suicide notes and butterfly kisses" it's pretty kewl, i want to get "the cure" greatest hits cd
haha rock on!
thanks for your comment in the albums


end this day with a WOW!! he he...
i was browsing and reading my fav SG's entry the lovley miss Edea , and notice she did some "intros" voice thingies on all her sets.
her voice is so angelic he he. i was like WOW!! i been having a shitty month latley, broken hearted, etc...gave my all to this one girl and found out...
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end this day with a WOW!! he he...
i was browsing and reading my fav SG's entry the lovley miss Edea , and notice she did some "intros" voice thingies on all her sets.
her voice is so angelic he he. i was like WOW!! i been having a shitty month latley, broken hearted, etc...gave my all to this one girl and found out...
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awww teehee thanx

well i'm off to work, last morning sucked cuz i woke up and found egg all over my car, that really pissed me off. my car means alot to me, it's like the most expensive thing i've ever owned ya know. and it's like my symbol of freedom. seeing someone vandalizeing it makes me upset. well i'm off to work. hope everyone is doing ok

just got home from work today, damn drama drama drama, too much shit to get into, first i get a taste of drama just telling one of the ladies at work she looked pretty, then she goes and makes a big deal out of it makeing it looks like i told her i wanted to fuck her or she acts like i just slapped her...
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just got back from work, working at the "Micro center" isnt all that bad. everyone is pretty friendly. i think i may like it, but i still miss best buy
, well hope the hours help and i get out of debt soon. damn i need to get laid. anyone up for some occasional casual sex? lol

now if you had to pic someone other than ELASTIA GIRL who would you pic?
yeah i was tryin to figure out what unconventional real girl gets you hot.... lol
ok, well i have a new job now, damn i go thoguh jobs faster then people change socks lol, or underware. even though thongs are sexy
, anyways...i work at a local performing arts theater downtown, it's ok but i don't really like what i'm doing, i'm pretty much a telemarketer, it's only 4 hours a day, for 5 days a week, low pay +...
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Sure, you can hear me on the phone. Just email me for the number of my service. LOL. Hey, a girl has got to pay the bills, right?