I went to a huge vast abandoned psychiatric hospital that my dad and grandma used to work in. Wreaks of havoc and vandalism, but it was fun exploring it! King's Park Psychiatric Center. Totally amazing. So many different buildings, couldn't make it all the way across the park to get inside them all, but I did take a lot of pictures in the two patient
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So I'm a sucker for Dungeons and Dragons, but I recently discovered Paranoia and I've been obsessed with it. I have a good group of friends I've been playing with and it's so exciting! Totally helps takes my mind off work lol.
Also, I'll be going to NYC comic con this year as poison ivy. Pretty excited! Have my cosplay finished! Thinking of doing a...
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Sorry for being gone! I had been working all summer long here in New York. I was hired under an ABC producer two weeks, and it was a lot of hard work. I was working 10 hour shifts a day ๐ช Ah but that wasn't the worst of it! I had been sexually assaulted by a performer for ABC, his name Jonathan 'Legacy' Perez. (He's
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So I've been working quite a bit, and frankly it's quite tiring. I don't have much time to just relax throughout the day. Anyways I'm a weird nerd as you can see haha. Off of work at 2:30 pm today ๐ Going to binge on Orange is the New Black.
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OK SO I was tagged three more times XD I couldn't stop at work to selfie because I was running around and doing things. But now that I'm out of uniform and home, I did it. :p
also yes my hair is very long and very messy after a humid day! haha and I need to dye my roots!! going to redye all my hair
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Got to see Chon and Circa Survive last night! Was pretty awesome ^-^ Love my boyfriend who very last second was like "let me take you to a show" last night haha โค๏ธ I'm doing pretty well. Writing essays like hoo haa. Also working this weekend, woooo. How have you guys been? Oh I have a doctors appointment today o.o just remembered.
I forgot my wallet today, and I haven't eaten once today >.< I mean I don't need much to keep me going, but I'm stuck at my college until 9:30 tonight. Sucks haha
Hmm. Wondering if I should strive to be a hopeful. Dunno man. I don't feel like I need to be a SG to enjoy this site ya know.