i shot a set about a year ago
but it didnt get accepted and i felt it wasnt strong enough for member review
that said it had a few good shots so i thought now that time has passed and i've distanced myself from it that i'd share a couple

my life is a mess and i can't figure out how to fix it. So i'm not very good at writing back to people and keeping it touch at the moment. eh
Also add me on instagram: fishlemoon
i finally have an iphone
but it didnt get accepted and i felt it wasnt strong enough for member review
that said it had a few good shots so i thought now that time has passed and i've distanced myself from it that i'd share a couple

my life is a mess and i can't figure out how to fix it. So i'm not very good at writing back to people and keeping it touch at the moment. eh
Also add me on instagram: fishlemoon
i finally have an iphone

I hope you are doing well