since my latest set has gone up my pool of 'friends' on here has expanded rapidly. This is not necessarily a bad thing. BUT i do think that since we are all here anyway we could know.. talk or something? If we're going to claim that we're friends we should know something about each other. Amiright?
So i'm going to try think up a question to ask you all and hopefully you will tell me cool things and ask me questions too and we'll all be that much closer.
First question! (also known as question number one) :
what did you eat for breakfast? and (its a 2 part question) what do you usually have for breakfast?

i am going here
some of the girls, with me included, are going to be taking part in a fashion show there. that should be interesting. I'm very excited and also a bit nervous about getting there. That's because i have a mistrust of technology and i worry that the tickets i booked aren't really booked or something.
It's fucking cold. i totally disapprove of this. 7Celsius is too cold for a sunny day.
I'm frustrated with my living situation. It's impossible for me to get anything done when at home, whether that is university work or art work or even practicing music. It's been so long since iv'e gotten anything done and it chafes my soul :/
Work is a constant worry, an uncomfortable pressure at the back of my mind. i have to, i need, a job, but i feel there are no options for me. I have worked at bars, cafes and restaurants before and while there are many things i enjoy about such work i know it's not for me. i'm not cut out for it and it causes everyone more trouble than its worth. Any sort of sales work is out also as i have classes 4 days a week from morning til evening. Also i'm a terrible sales person, supposedly. This all makes me feel like there isnt really a hope for me. i have no particular skills, my photoshopping is quite poor and my drawing is certainly not good enough yet for me to get a job for it. (and as mentioned above i have no where to draw)
Most distressing all 'round.
I'd like to make a Formspring as many people around here are doing but it would be sad if i did and it turned out no one wanted to ask me anything. teh lamezor
Vivid has an awesome haloween-y set that i like very much, go look if you havent: Decay
I am sure you are aware of this: Fright Night
Killians Red
AND this one which i love very much: A chaotic past and a blurry future