a weeak has past and im still alive. amazing i tell you. im always suprised when i discover i havnt died yet.
did i tell you all about the weird dreams id been having for just under 2 weeks or so? every night something or someone would kill me. and to wake up every morning id have to dig myself out of my grave. 0_o and it always took me aages to wake up and my mom would be talking to me (this is the real part) but she'd sound like she was far away and under water. ... so yeah. wierd dreams. but they'v stopped now.
i have a job!!! but i went to my first day of job training. which was fun. so they can start paying me now pls kthnx.
i am being a wardrobe assistant at a local tv series ^__^ actually its more of a soapie... but who cares. it'l be nice. once i get paid
and right now im sitting in an office in the theatre answering phones and telling people to bugger off.
and im sooo hungry. voluntary. damnit.
iv become so focused on money! its sad. but i guess i have reason. plane tickets dont pay for themselves. ... tho that would be cool.
anyway,so i feel better in general.i feel like im doing something towards my goal and thats always good. i hate the helpless feeling of doing nothing.
also im wearing a red leather tie. how hot is that?!?!
haha,ok and im being random. oh random insanity i have missed you.
speaking of which,but in no way related,i want to do more photoshoots.i want o take this further or at least try. hmm.hmm.hmmm. no way at the moment. i need to work on myself tho. but how,but how?
and why do i like repeating stuff lately?
i get to leave at 16:00
how does it work with dancers,do they wax? or shave? how do they keep so clean?! do they only dance a couple of nights a week or everynight? (sad to say these questions have been bugging me since i was 12 when i first decided i wanted to be a stripper [right after i decided i didnt infact want to be a nun after all]) gods childern are weird
a weeak has past and im still alive. amazing i tell you. im always suprised when i discover i havnt died yet.

did i tell you all about the weird dreams id been having for just under 2 weeks or so? every night something or someone would kill me. and to wake up every morning id have to dig myself out of my grave. 0_o and it always took me aages to wake up and my mom would be talking to me (this is the real part) but she'd sound like she was far away and under water. ... so yeah. wierd dreams. but they'v stopped now.
i have a job!!! but i went to my first day of job training. which was fun. so they can start paying me now pls kthnx.
i am being a wardrobe assistant at a local tv series ^__^ actually its more of a soapie... but who cares. it'l be nice. once i get paid

and right now im sitting in an office in the theatre answering phones and telling people to bugger off.

anyway,so i feel better in general.i feel like im doing something towards my goal and thats always good. i hate the helpless feeling of doing nothing.
also im wearing a red leather tie. how hot is that?!?!
haha,ok and im being random. oh random insanity i have missed you.
speaking of which,but in no way related,i want to do more photoshoots.i want o take this further or at least try. hmm.hmm.hmmm. no way at the moment. i need to work on myself tho. but how,but how?
and why do i like repeating stuff lately?
i get to leave at 16:00
how does it work with dancers,do they wax? or shave? how do they keep so clean?! do they only dance a couple of nights a week or everynight? (sad to say these questions have been bugging me since i was 12 when i first decided i wanted to be a stripper [right after i decided i didnt infact want to be a nun after all]) gods childern are weird

That saffas idea of a stripping nun made me laugh
Your new job sounds interesting. Do you get to go shopping for it?