strepsils for breakfast. who-fucking-ray i fucking HATE being sick. and after 2003 im scared of coughing.
and isint it just GREAT when someone can make you feel so shit. and so worthless and so disgusting AND THEN make you feel like its YOUR fault
tragfwedsdsauiafaguidewr8`edJ!QL@@L#D~#FC1erfrefgyr31t1c tg3gvhl
i get so sad i just push you farther away
does anyone feel like sponsoring me a one way ticket to Cape Town?
i thought not
i hope you guys are having a better time than i am
also well done to the me for catching the wrong tram twice and spilling milk and sugar all over the kitchen its just not my day
and isint it just GREAT when someone can make you feel so shit. and so worthless and so disgusting AND THEN make you feel like its YOUR fault
tragfwedsdsauiafaguidewr8`edJ!QL@@L#D~#FC1erfrefgyr31t1c tg3gvhl
i get so sad i just push you farther away
does anyone feel like sponsoring me a one way ticket to Cape Town?
i thought not
i hope you guys are having a better time than i am
also well done to the me for catching the wrong tram twice and spilling milk and sugar all over the kitchen its just not my day
I love you though. that counts for something.
also! you should write about your quirkiness.