its a test! does it work?
its a photo worthy of myspace.
ah,it works!

thanks everyone for commenting. i do feel better today. ...for now... [haha]
iv decided that what i need to concentrate on is moving out of my parents place. yes, i know all the benefits of living at home, but i really need space! and to not have my mind poisoned everyday. and its boring being told that im stupid and ugly and wasting my life all the time.
so yeah. that is my plan.
move out -> figure out rest of plan
sounds good to me

hope you're all well
Because it's spring here it is Ostara. In Europe you will now celebrate Mabon. It would be silly if I try to harvest anything this time of year in South Africa, wouldn't it
mrlucky told me that azzura is also having a SG shoot soon. At the rate the other SA girls go pink I'm going to be grey and still trying