im at my grandparents now, the move is half over. my sister and i are heading down to join my parents in warsaw on thursday. for now we're just stuck here....
im feeling better,apparently the dizzyness was jet lag
but im missing home, and especially rob
i cant get on teh internet much at the moment, so sorry if i dont/havnt replied to comments
im at my grandparents now, the move is half over. my sister and i are heading down to join my parents in warsaw on thursday. for now we're just stuck here....
im feeling better,apparently the dizzyness was jet lag
but im missing home, and especially rob
i cant get on teh internet much at the moment, so sorry if i dont/havnt replied to comments
i just think you are soooo soooo cute....... loved your set..... love your energy... the best to you.... MUAH !!!!!!!! Keep the Revolution Moving Forward.....
I moved from Austin to El Paso a few years back for school. That's like 700 miles away and out in the middle of NOwhere. I was really enjoying it for a while but I've had a history of depression and it didn't help that the medication I was on at the time was later reported to cause suicidal tendancies in drug studies. After I went back for my second semester in January I was doing alright for a while then my mood took a nose dive and I literally stopped going to classes and avoided going anywhere because I was depressed, homesick, and extremely lonely. Don't be afraid to go meet people, or the homesick feeling will only get worse. congrats on the new set!