new hair, much shorter than it was. I havent gotten a haircut since late December. and I needed one badly If you look closely, you can see Rocco in the background.
I probably could also use a shave.
*shave and a haircut...DUN DUN*
couldnt resist.
Things at work have gotten better after an understanding with Abdul. It's not that I was mad at him for not understanding English, no no no, that's not like me. I was mat at Zakir for not training him properly, SO, since I am the manager now, I took the the time out and explained EVERYTHING to him. If he doesnt understand a word or a phrase, simply tell me and I'll clarify.
but goddamn if working a 11.5 hour day isnt a bitch and a half. maybe it's even 2 bitches. So, becaue of that, I got to sleep in today.
GOOOOOOOOOOOOD GAWWWWWWWWWWD did that feel great. better than sex
and yes...it was.
so with my time off, i managed to get a haircut, wash some clothes and deposit money in the bank.
productivity rules!
1. why do people use Macs?
2. ever have sex with a friend, and regert it?
3. ever have serious acne?
4. if you were an alcolic drink, what would you be?
ORFAM: i'm not a hopeless romantic. and never will be.
1. Because they match the furniture.
2. I've never nailed a friend and I feel pretty good about that.
3. The teenage years were rough. I had huge scabs on my face from picking at it all the time.
4. I woule be an aristocrat vodka and tonic in a dented, cheap plastic cup. Some one would have ashed their cigarette in it accidentaly and the lime on the side would have fallen on the floor.
$5.00 all you can drink!!
Should be an interesting turn-out....