What to do? I am thinking about making a change in my life (and a pretty big one at that) and all I get is negative reactions. I am thinking about moving and everyone is like you cant move that far away or well what about me. I cant deal with these so-called friends being concerned about how this will affect their lives. I am having this feeling of being trapped here and if I dont get out now I am going to die here. Right now I am not sure if moving is going to be the answer but I have to do something major to shake up my life. Being stuck where I am at is slowly killing me from the inside of my brain on out. I have so many questions I need to answer before I make a decision, but the first thing I need is the motivation to ask them. I due have a dead line for this decision though it is august. If I dont make this decision and be done moving by then I will have to wait till January to move. Now back to the beginning. What to do?

did i scare you?
we'll talk.