Why does what day it is matter? I know we are supposed to learn from are mistakes and all but why does it matter what day it is. Birthdays, anniversaries, milestones what do these things matter. How can a certain day of the year make you happy or sad? How does something that happened one year, two year, ten years ago make you act or feel differently today? Just ranting away here, I have one of those days or the year coming up. The funny thing is it was supposed to be a happy day but it is not. It should be a day I could care two shits about but it is making me sad for all together different reasons then I thought it would. How is it that past events that we cant change seems to change the way events to come unfold?
because the occourance of the date is a jog to the memorey proding us to recall the good, the bad and the wretched.
it wasn't necessarily a "glass half full" kind of day, but it wasnt empty either.. it just kinda was. it was my stoner logic at the moment