Why is it that when you have nothing to do during the day you sleep. I slept all damn day and that I should go to sleep I cant. I have to get up at 6am and work 12 hours tomorrow but I am not tired. This is going to suck. I really should not complain though I am getting my overtime back but that means also I am back on 12 hour days. It does get a little tiresome working from 8am to 8pm every day but how I do love those checks. There is one other draw back to working all the time it does make it hard to meet new people. I am too tired to go out on Friday and I have to do all the stuff I could not do during the week on the weekend. I have come to realize that I will eventually met some one new so I am going to stop looking they can find me. On the other hand I am still going to try to get out on Saturdays there is no way for them to find me if I am at home. The SGdetroit people always seem to get together on Saturday but I am to shy or to big of a dumb ass to take myself to one of these gatherings. I dont know what I am afraid of. What the worst that could happen. I think thats it I dont know what could happen and thats probably what is keeping me from going. I tend not to go to new things by myself and I dint think any my friends would go with me they are kind of not like me. Unfortunately I think they would look down at this website so I have not tried to explain it. Well I am rambling along so till fate or free time brings us together again goodnight.
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Whats the differance between bordem and lack of motavation? I am not … -
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Sunday Jun 03, 2007
OK i am back. go ahead say what you will. -
Friday Mar 09, 2007
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Tuesday Jan 02, 2007
dink dink dada dink dink dink dink dink dada dink dink dink -
Monday Dec 18, 2006
Not fired but work still sucks.
... and i was up early because i had to work
and if you come to an SGDetroit event soon, i will talk to you and buy you a nice relaxing drink
Yay! See, soy milk is good, as long as you don't go into the experience expecting it to taste like milk!