Today has been a good day. I am kind of giddy because I get to pick-up my new truck in the morning. Here is the thing people I am having trouble coming to terms with my new nitch in life. Well I am going to just come out and say it. Hi my name is tongue_boy and I am a yuppie. Wow that feels so much better. I am a (soon to be) single man with no kids. I own my own house, two cars, and a pure breed dog. I hope every one out there is going to accept me for being a yuppie. I cant help it, it is just who I am. When I was growing up I didnt want to be a yuppie but I look in the mirror and I have to admit to myself that is what I am. I want to thank every one in advance for their support. God am I funny man. What a load of crap did I just write? I am in a very good mood right now so lets have a little fun with life. Till fate or free time brings us together again.
Young Urban Professional.
And as I was crusin... I realized.... shit.
Young? check. Urban? fucking check. Professional. Shit. check.
I would be a yuppie.
A yuppie is a lower form of human that belives itself to be beter then all the rest.
A yuppie is an asshat whom belives that happiness comes from materiual possecions.
A yuppie is a white collar stooge who looks down thier bose at everyone who is not like them.
A yuppie is a cookie cutter conformist, they have a compulsive need to be just like all the other yuppies so they will be accepted.
A yuppie aquires items to "make them happy" not base don what they like themselves but base on what will assert thier "status." All the yuppie realy desires is status.
A yuppie is not a demographic it is a peckerwood elitist state of mind.
Why would you *want* to be a yuppie?
I mean what is the purpose of becomeing a lable whore, snob asswipe?
you think 2 cars, some college and a decent iuncome make you a yuppie? think again... I fit all these things and the day I become a yuppie is the day I off myself.
Fuck trends.
Fuck labels.
Damn the man.
Be yourself, defy catagories.