The irony of life. I am not going to call myself a rich man but I make a decent living doing what I do. The route that I am doing this week is at Somerset collection (those who are not from around here its a expense place coach, polo, brooks brothers, Gucci and so forth). One of the pickups I did was at mall security where four of the rent-a-cops looked at me like I was a bum and I was about to rob the place. How do people think they can get away with looking down on somebody because they work for a living and get their hands dirty? Stupid rent-a-cops I probably make twice what they do, god I hate small minded people. As it has been lately till fate or free time brings us together again.

Red-bull tastes like the sweat off a donkeys nuts (don't ask!) and has disgustedme to the point I am afraid to try any other energy drink.
Maybe I will just switch to crystal in the morning for my wake up "bump"....