My new worst nightmare.

scary.This reminds me: I am deathly afraid of pigeons. They hurt my feelings. I think it started when I was in New York, and saw a few eating out of a bucket of KFC chicken. C'mon, that just ain't right. Later during that trip I was eating at a restaurant with my friend, Erin and the pigeons noticed me. Not her or the other patrons, but me!!! There was one with a gimpy leg that just kept staring at me. Another flew straight at me. Then, I kid you not, a pigeon committed suicide in front of me one table over. I mean, I don't blame him. If I were a pigeon, I'd commit suicide, too. But he had to do it in front of me by flying into the window and leaving a (gag) greasy smear on the glass. I hate them. They are taunting me, and plotting my death. I know this is true. Help. The End.
Thank you for that link to those pics. They were incredble!